Monday, November 28, 2011

Human Impact

Humans have had a bad impact on the Arctic Tundra and it will only continue to get worse if we aren't willing to make changes. One of the impacts humans are having is on the wildlife. People are increasingly moving here in search of oil and in doing so they are creating more roads and towns. These towns serve as obstacles for some animals as they are forced to cross through them in order to get to feeding grounds. These animals are either killed or scared off when they get near towns, and as a result, they are starving. Also, humans are using pesticides for insect control which is making its way to other animals including the large flocks of birds that migrate here.

One of the more severe, yet indirect impacts humans are having on the Arctic Tundra is caused by global warming. Carbon emissions from humans has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which has led to increases in global temperatures. Consequently, regions in the Arctic Tundra have become warmer. While this may not have a very great effect now, there will be much more severe consequences in the future if it continues. Warmer temperatures mean more layers of "permafrost" will melt. One effect this will have will be on plant and animal life that have already adapted to live in such cold climate in that some will struggle to survive in warmer temperature. Secondly, humans will be effected. Researchers from the University of Alaska estimate that there may be nearly 100 billion tons of carbon withheld in these frozen layers of soil (this is equivalent to 1/4 the amount already existing in the atmosphere). If these carbons were to be released, it would mean drastic climate change which would greatly affect our planet.


  1. This just in from a university, you sir....are an idiot, permafrost is a legitimate thing not requiring the usage of quotation marks.

  2. I agree... this guy is an absolute idiot....

  3. bruhther ill eat ur soul cuz said sooooooo
